B5Rss: The hubze Blog (in this message: 5 new items)

vineri, 20 ianuarie 2012

The hubze Blog (in this message: 5 new items)

The hubze Blog (in this message: 5 new items)

Link to Hubze Social Media Blog


Posted: 19 Jan 2012 03:25 PM PST

Hey hubzers!

So in this Podcast, we talk a bit about how Google was able to get over 4.5 Million signatures in protest of SOPA yesterday as well as many other awesome topics, and yes we even get a little political, but with all of this going on, how could you not? We talk a little bit about lobbying etc and just how corrupt it seems our system is becoming, yet it’s cool to see so many people come together in unison of something we ALL believe in. I truly felt united yesterday…with Google and 350,000 other websites who protested SOPA/PIPA.

Thanks and please enjoy!

Download audio file (S10.mp3)

As always, let us know what you think? Are you worried about how corrupt our system has become?

Make sure to go check out the app Magisto as mentioned in the podcast.

If you need resources to get involved with the SOPA protests: GO HERE.

Article about Lamar Smith and the Entertainment industry funding him: GO HERE.

Techcrunch article announcement that Google+ hit 90 million users: GO HERE


This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

YouTube Video of the Day: Somebody That I Used To Know

Posted: 19 Jan 2012 11:24 AM PST

I ran across this video last week and have probably watched it at least 10 times!

It’s an amazing display of musical talent by a band called “Walk off the Earth” and “Sarah Blackwood”.

In the video they perform a cover of the song “Somebody That I used to know” by Gotye.

I’ve never seen this done with a guitar. It sounds like a full band is playing multiple instruments, while it’s just one guitar! Pretty crazy!

The interesting thing is that this video was put up on YouTube on January 5th, 2012 and now 2 weeks later it is about to top 29 MILLION views! That’s pretty insane to me. The funny thing is there are now many parody videos on YouTube now mocking the video above. Below are a few of my favorites.

If you enjoyed this video then….

Check out WOTE on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/walkofftheearth

Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/walkofftheearth

Check out Sarah Blackwood on Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/thesarahblackwood
and youTube : http://www.youtube.com/TheSarahBlackwood

Subscribe to Gianni and Sarah’s Blog/music Channel:http://www.youtube.com/gianniandsarahmusic

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Let the “Frictionless” Sharing on Facebook Begin!

Posted: 19 Jan 2012 10:40 AM PST

As you are likely well aware when Timeline was introduced back in September of 2011 the concept of “Frictionless Sharing” was coined.

Basically what this means is that there will be many apps that will post activity to your Timeline once you give it permission to do so. We immediately saw apps like Spotify, The Washington Post, Yahoo News and etc. And people began using them like crazy! Spotify is now a household name because of it and Yahoo has become somewhat relevant again (somewhat, but not totally).

Yesterday Facebook announced and introduced about 60 new Timeline apps that would be a part of this “Open Graph” and “Frictionless” sharing.

So now you’ll be able to use these apps and it will share what you are doing. Whether that be running, walking, eating, cooking, traveling, shopping and etc. You might also see actions such as “taste”, “love”, “want”, and “buy”..

What I wonder is how much will people use these apps? And when is sharing too much overkill? Do you want to know about this activity of your friends? Will you use these apps?

Facebook broke down the categories of these apps into Music, News, Giving, Travel, Food, Shopping & Fashion, Fitness, Entertainment and  Other. Below is a full list of the new apps and the categories:


  • Spotify
  • iHeartRadio
  • Turntable.fm
  • Slacker
  • Rdio
  • Songza
  • Jelli
  • Rhapsody
  • Earbits
  • MOG
  • Saavn


  • Yahoo!News
  • Washington Post Social Reader
  • Rockmelt
  • Digg
  • The Independent
  • WSJ Social
  • The Guardian
  • Buzzfeed
  • Wetpaint
  • USA TODAY + Me
  • The Daily
  • IBNLive with Friends
  • InHindi
  • Joinsmsn


  • Causes
  • FundRazr
  • Artez Interactive


  • Where I’ve Been
  • Airbnb
  • Gogobot
  • Wipolo
  • TripAdvisor


  • Urbanspoon
  • Foodspotting
  • Yummly
  • Foodily
  • Snooth


  • LivingSocial
  • Pinterest
  • Oodle
  • Payvment
  • Fab
  • GiftRocket
  • Lyst
  • Polyvore
  • GiantNerd
  • Sneakpeeq
  • LAX World
  • Pose


  • RunKeeper
  • MapMyFitness


  • Words With Friends
  • Flixster by Rotten Tomatoes
  • Bubble Island
  • Goodreads
  • Hulu
  • Castleville
  • Soundcloud
  • Diamond Dash
  • Dailymotion
  • Zeebox
  • Draw My Thing
  • Cinemur
  • Snapstick
  • ScoreBig
  • Ticketfly
  • StubHub
  • Kobo
  • Ticketmaster


  • BranchOut
  • Color
  • [s]edition
  • Ford –  Grab-a-Badge
  • Ford – Mustan
  • Grockit
  • Chegg
  • Appsfire
  • Autotrader
  • Artfinder


SOPA’s Chief Sponsor Violates Copyright Laws

Posted: 19 Jan 2012 09:12 AM PST

Hey Hubzers,

What’s that expression? “The pot calling the kettle black”

It turns out that Chief Sponsor of SOPA (Lamar Smith aka “the pot”), who has yet to back-down despite the retreat of his comrades (both PIPA and SOPA co-sponsors announced their withdraw in Facebook posts), is in fact a copyright violator.

As VICE writer, Jamie Lee Curtis Taete, explains, “these people are not violating SOPA/PIPA…My point is more that, if these people aren’t able to abide by EXISTING copyright laws, they clearly lack the understanding to create stricter ones and, ideally, should just GTFO.”

Kudos to VICE magazine for whipping out the following images, below is Lamar Smith’s campaign website (pre-SOPA) which features a lovely photograph from DJ Schulte in the background:

How did his son get so tall? According to DJ, who was contacted by VICE, the image is “protected under the Creative Commons license…which simply states that they can use my images as long as they attribute the image to me and do not use it for commercial purposes.”

The photo you see above is not credited to DJ.

Lamar Smith isn’t the only guy who would be in violation of copyright. Existing copyright laws seemed to have slipped the minds of PIPA supporters as well.

The picture below is of PIPA co-sponsor Roy Blunt’s Twitter page (before VICE magazine caught him red-handed):

The background image isby photographer Walter Rowland, who took this picture (below) of his wife Linny on horseback:

The couple apparently had no idea the Senator was using this image to add a little ambiance to his Twitter page. According to the unsuspecting cow-girl,  “it’s as if I’m supporting his beliefs.”

There are a lot more photos on VICE, and I recommend checking out the article, here.

To read more about SOPA check-out these articles on Hubze:

Google+ lets you create your own MeMes

Posted: 19 Jan 2012 08:07 AM PST

(hubze) I am loving the battle back and forth between Facebook, Google+ and Twitter lately. Facebook will roll out a feature, then Twitter will counter with an update and then Google+, and LinkedIn just sits back wishing people would come play with them!

Earlier this week Google+ quietly released a new feature that allows you to add text to any photo that you upload to the platform. While it might not have been their intention this quickly created Google’s very own “Meme Creator”. Tons of photos have been shared and loaded to Google+ using the text feature and most were attempts at being humorous and very meme-like.

And in typical Google+ fashion instead of making alot of hoopla about it they simply posted some photos with added text to make the announcement. The video below is me walking you through live how it works. The images above are the photos Google+ posted to announce the new features to the world.

Do you think this is a feature you will use? Does this hurt sites like Reddit that are full of the meme-like photos?

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

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