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sâmbătă, 21 ianuarie 2012

The hubze Blog (in this message: 5 new items)

The hubze Blog (in this message: 5 new items)

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The first big Facebook event of 2012

Posted: 20 Jan 2012 03:35 PM PST

(hubze) Hey guys and gals…

We at Hubze (Fan Page Engine) don’t often promote products from other people. It’s not that we don’t like other people or think others make great products. It’s just half of them are overpriced or unproven “gurus”.  And we want to make sure that we only recommend quality products you can benefit from.

So know that by telling you about this upcoming webinar by Mari Smith we are doing something WAY out of the norm. But, we are crazy excited to attend the webinar so we wanted to share it with you all.

Mari is the true leader when it comes to Facebook. When I want to find something out I know Mari will know the answer. I’ve gotten to know her via Facebook and Google+ alot lately and what you see is what you get with her. A true passion for people.. Gotta love it!

If you’ve been trying to get social media to work for your business, you know that Mari provides some of the BEST guidance there is for making sense of it all.

I’m really excited to tell you that she’s doing a FREE webinar on Tuesday January 31st! She’s going to be covering all of the latest changes to Facebook and how they affect YOU and your business.

I would sign up for this webinar ASAP as space is limited. I think in her last webinar she blew up the system with maybe more than 10,000 people on it! Pretty crazy!

You can GO HERE to sign up or click on the image below. Either way you’re gonna learn a ton from this FREE webinar!


Your iPhone after 20 Years…

Posted: 20 Jan 2012 12:21 PM PST

(hubze) Here is an interesting and humorous look at what life might be in the year 2041 after 30 years of the iphone being in existent.

The iphone does so much already. Maybe we will be able to shave with it, light cigarettes, put on lipstick, blow dry our hair, fry an egg on our iPads and more…

What is one thing you wish y our iPhone or iPad would do?

I wish mine would print $100 bills…

Facebook, Believe it or Not!

Posted: 20 Jan 2012 10:34 AM PST

Hey Hubzers,

Facebook is well on it’s way to 1 billion users, all of whom are taking to the social network in their own special way.

Would you believe it if I told you there is a Facebook night club in the  Amazon Rainforest? Or what if I told you about a Facebook Fan Page dedicated to a Siamese man’s love for his corpse bride?

This week has been overshadowed by the SOPA/PIPA controversy, but the world of social media keeps on spinning.

Here are a few weird/true/freaky happenings across Facebook-Land:

Fired for Facebook

Be careful what you post! An Ohio prison guard was fired because of a status update that compared Ohio’s Governor, John Kasich (R), to Osama Bin Laden: “Ok we got Bin Laden … let’s go get Kasich next. Who’s with me?”

According to the Huffington Post, the status update violated the prison’s rules of conduct, as prison guard John Hubbard (who plans to appeal his termination) is accused of “threatening, intimidating, or coercing another employee or a member of the general public.”

Apparently public employees have been sour with Governor Kasich following the introduction of an anti-union law that sparked controversy among Ohioans.

Check-out this list of What NOT To Share on Facebook or brush up on your Social Media Etiquette all on the hubze blog.

Facebook Night Club

I knew you could spend the night ON Facebook but not AT Facebook, at least, now you can, at the Facebook night club in Brazil.

According to the Guardian, the Facebook night club is the big idea of 30-year old Humbert Camacho, “The Facebook concept is about sharing ideas, adventures, friendships, parties and photos with your friends.”

Building-off of the social network’s popularity, Camacho explained to the Guardian that with Facebook’s concept in mind he decided to erect a nightclub “where people could come and share things with their friends, spend a cool night, sharing pictures, experiences and have fun.”

The name is more or less a gimmick, Camacho was looking “for a name that was trendy” and in a spark of genius– “We thought: Facebook everyone talks about Facebook.”

The club will have it’s own official Facebook page, naturally.

The club opened Thursday, around the same time that Facebook managed to surpass Brazil’s most popular social networking site, Orkut, increasing it’s Brazilian head-count by nearly 200%.

And what does Facebook have to say about the nightclub, “Is it really in the Amazon?”

Zombie Wedding FanPage

Chadil deffy married his dead girlfriend during a funeral/wedding party in Thailand.

The couple had been dating for 10 years and planned to get married however their plans were unfortunately smashed when Sarinya “Anne” Kamsook died in a freak accident.

The ceremony is memorialized in a Facebook FanPage, with over 32,000 fans, that shows pictures of the couple throughout the many stages of their relationship (including post-mortem). As to the details surrounding whether or not this affair was consummated– I leave them to your imagination.

Does Facebook Make You Smarter?

Posted: 20 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST

Hey Hubzers,

I understand why some Facebook users would want to keep their friend list small but there is a new argument for letting it grow.

I don’t encourage adding strangers from Singapore or smiling singles from Tel Aviv but a new self-promoting study from Facebook’s Data Team suggests that your Facebook connections make you smarter, or more particularly your distant connections.

You may have noticed your personal social network growing to gigantic proportions: old and new friends, family, acquaintances, co-workers and people you may have never seen in your life are requesting your “friendship.”

I know a lot of people who will spring-clean their friend list with no mercy. Keeping a friend list down to a minimum makes it easy to manage and maintain interpersonal relationships.

FYI According to the theory of British Anthropologist, Robin Dunbar, 150 friends is the maximum amount of friends an individual’s neocortex is able to maintain stable interpersonal relationships with before all that gooshy grey matter in your head implodes to resemble a classic Pollock. Dunbar’s number is much smaller than Facebook’s 5,000 friend limit.

But those who limit themselves to a minimum amount of friends are missing out on another facet of the social network– what I am referring to is the abundance of free information: news, trends, multimedia and political/social issues that are shared with you via distant connections.

As  the Facebook Data Team explains, “online social networks actually increase the spread of novel information and diverse viewpoints.”

“The Strength Of Weak Ties

Social Media has fundamentally changed the way information is shared. If you have allowed your social network to flourish, you will notice that a vast majority of information in your newsfeed comes from contacts that you rarely (or never) interact with.

Within a social network we have birds of a feather flocking together to form desnse groups of strong ties, within these groups similar ideas tend to be shared.

These groups of strong ties are connected by weak ties who tend to to share dissimilar ideas and facilitate the flow of novel information.

What i’m getting at here is that the most novel ideas come from your weak ties. Sure you tend to engage with your friend’s more often, but you can count on friend #346 to fill your news-feed with a new perspective you may not find within your close friend group.

As the team explains, “Our study suggests that strong ties are similar and more likely to be tuned into the same web sites. Weak ties, being more dissimilar, tend to visit different websites.”

And you may not be interested in new ideas, but what about job opportunities? According to the Facebook Data Team,”it can be hard to find new leads” within “tight-knit” circles, “information about jobs is instead found through weak ties that…help spread novel information by bridging the gap between clusters of strong tie contact.”

Overall the social networking experience, if you buy into it all, is one that permits the sharing of different perspectives.

This conclusion serves as a “comfort to those who worry that social networks are simply an echo chamber where people are only exposed to those who share the same opinions.”

So does Facebook make you smarter?

Comment and let us know what you think, is all this new information coming your way valuable to your cerebral growth or is it white noise?

Facebook Friday: Mario Teguh’s 1 Million+ Fan Interaction

Posted: 20 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST

AllFacebook.com has released yet another of its fan interaction ranking, placing Mario Teguh as the 5th most engaging page on Facebook.  In an earlier post, you can see that AllFacebook.com placed Teguh’s page at #2, making it more popular than Justin Bieber.

Who is Mario Teguh?

You might be wondering who Mario Teguh is and how he manages to get more than a million fan interactions on Facebook.  Mario Teguh is an Indonesian motivational speaker and consultant.  He had worked at Citibank Indonesia, Aspac Bank and Exnal Corp. Jakarta.

Other than Teguh,  Justin Bieber is the only individual who has engaged a majority of his fans successfully on his Facebook page.  Bieber raked in more than 1.3 million interactions from his fans.

Religion rules Facebook engagement

But even an international pop superstar can’t hold a candle to the top engagers on Facebook.

If you want to engage your customers on Facebook, then you might want to get tips from the world’s biggest religions.  Taken together, Jesus Daily and Dios Es Bueno has more than 6.7 million inteactions out of more than 15 million fans.

Other religious pages coming into the top 20 list:

Name                             Interactions 4. The Bible                        1,282,479 8. Joyce Meyer Ministries             715,242 10. ILoveAllaah.com                   641,240 13. Jesus Christ                      564,859 17. Im a Muslim & Im Proud            478,410

Why You Should Take Time to Add Your Events on Facebook

Facebook has always been updating its site to make it more attractive to businesses.  Two of its recent improvements involve their events and the way they display ads on their users’ news feeds.

Facebook Events is one of the easiest ways to market on Facebook.  The good news is that Facebook has made it easier for your customers’ friends to recommend your events.  When your customers click on ‘Attend’ or when you host an event, your event practically shows up on their friends’ home page.

The new feature was officially launched last week after weeks of testing.

It basically suggests events that are hosted by businesses you have liked, or those that your friends are going to attend.

Click on the https://www.facebook.com/events/suggestions/ page to see the Suggested Events you have!

Facebook Ads in Your News Feed

If you are considering taking out a Facebook advertisement, now might be a good time to do it.  Facebook is now putting sponsored stories into people’s news feeds.  Facebook is calling it featured stories.

Your customers’ activities — such as liking a page or when a page they like posts an updates, or when they check into a place or play a game — may become a featured story if you pay for it.

However, the ads that appear would be based on the pages that they have already liked.  Either that or they are shown events that their friends have liked or interacted with.

This places more importance on engaging your customers on Facebook and making them like your business page.  Or else, your advertisements would not appear.

It also makes it easier to get social recommendations as well.

How does a user know it’s a featured ad?  It will be labeled as a featured story and Facebook users will be seeing one per day.  If they check their accounts often, then there is a chance that they would see more than one a day.

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