B5Rss: Fellows, Where did all the information sites go today???

miercuri, 18 ianuarie 2012

Fellows, Where did all the information sites go today???

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 They went on strike!

If you go to the Warrior Forum and others, you will find a
lot of information about only ONE thing - SOPA and PIPA.

Some information sites are on strike in protest of the
SOPA and PIPA legislation that will kill Internet marketing.

We all desperately need your help! And you can help!

If the SOPA and PIPA are passed, Internet Entrepreneurs (like us)
will be history. This is not an exaggeration. If you enjoy making
money on the net like I do, you have a right to be scared. But
don't just worry, do something about it!

I've emailed, called, and written those whose votes count!

 Please, please do the same
to save the Internet from being taken over by government

If you're not up to speed - then read this:

SOPA: "Stop Online Piracy Act"

PIPA: "Protect IP Act"

Learn more about it from Wikipedia (today only)

Contact your congressmen HERE:



If you're already familiar with SOPA then
you're probably as infuriated, if not more-so than me.

So today, websites throughout the USA (and the world)
are "Blacking Out" their websites as a protest.

I'm going to do something about the fact that Congress
is even considering violating our most basic of Civil
Liberties by "muting" out free speech on The Internet.

 I need you to help me make an impact that will resonate
through the walls of Congress.

Here's what you can do right NOW!

This is only going to work today, January 18th.

If you go to this link tomorrow, you'll just end
up on the normal Wikipedia page.

I need you to contact your Senator and tell them with
the most desperate urgency you muster up that they MUST
vote against SOPA and PIPA.

Step 1: Forward this email to everyone you know right now!

Step 2: Go to Wikipedia and type in your zip code.

Step 3: All the phone numbers for your Senators will
show up on the left hand side of the screen.

Call all your Senators NOW and tell them to Vote AGAINST SOPA and

Here's what SOPA will do to you:

1. It would allow anyone with money and power to immediately
shut your website down without notice (and without trial).

EVEN if you didn't do anything wrong!

2. That means that ANYONE with enough money that finds you
or your website (business) threatening could shut you down

3. That means that your BUSINESS can get SHUT OFF like a
light-switch without your say-so, by a bigger competitor,
without warning or TRIAL!

Do you want that?

NO! call your Senator NOW and tell him or her to do the right
thing for Internet Entrepreneurs!

Now, press the Share, Like, Re-Tweet and G+ Buttons (to the left)
to spread the word about SOPA!

Then, throw-in your 2 cents in the comments below!

Here are some Facts:

Fact 1: Sites like YouTube, which publishes millions of
videos each week, are worried that they would be forced to more
closely police that content to avoid breaking new
rules. Advertising there would die.

Fact 2: "YouTube would just go dark immediately," Google public
policy director Bob Boorstin said at a conference last month.
"It couldn't function."

Fact 3: Tech companies also object to SOPA's "shoot first, ask
questions later" approach.
The bill requires every payment or advertising network
operator to set up a process through which outside parties
can notify the company that one of its customers is an "Internet
site is dedicated to theft of U.S. property."
Once a network gets a notification, it is required to cut off
to the target site within five days.

Fact 4: Filing false notifications is a crime, but the process
would put the burden of proof -- and the legal cost of fighting a
false allegation -- on the accused.

Fact 5: As the anti-SOPA trade group NetCoalition put it in their
of the bill: "The legislation systematically favors a copyright
intellectual property rights and strips the owners of accused
of their rights."

 If all you can do is send an
email, fine, but calls and written letters have more impact.
But, please, do something today. This kind of reminds me of when prayer was removed from school.

Nobody really believed that anything like that could really happen. Schools were

founded in the U.S. to teach kids to read the Bible, after all. But, it did happen.

It happened because Christians weren't action takers. They just sat back and let it happen.

I wasn't old to do anything about that, but I can try to stop this tragedy from happening. Join me!


Kristi Sayles, 125 McKelvy Rd, Camden, TN 38320, United States

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