B5Rss: How to Get People to Click YOUR Links & Buy-Lesson 3

duminică, 15 ianuarie 2012

How to Get People to Click YOUR Links & Buy-Lesson 3

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Hello again, 

Yesterday we talked about redirecting your affiliate 

links. I hope you've had a chance to begin redirecting 

your links either on your own site or through a new 


If you haven't, then don't forget that easy yet many 

times forgotten step toward becoming a super affiliate. 

Today I want to kick it up another notch and put you 

even further on your way to becoming one of the super 

affiliates of your chosen program. 

We're going to talk about eCourses and squeeze pages 

in today's lesson. 

Obviously you know what an eCourse is since you are in 

the process of one right now with these emails. One way 

to really get people who are interested in what you 

have to offer (targeted customers) is to create an 

eCourse that you can promote your product(s) inside of. 

eCourses can be as long or as short as you'd like to 

make them, just remember the key is to teach your readers 

something and offer them tips and tools (affiliate promos) 

to help them accomplish their goal. 

Create your eCourse and load it up in an autoresponder so 

it's all automated. See thinking big and being consistent! 

---------------- Today's Sponsor ---------------

Need an easy 1-2-3 way to get an ecourse of and 

squeeze page of your own? The best way to promote your

affiliate programs...

Check out


---------------- Today's Sponsor ---------------

Once you've created your eCourse, then it's time to set up 

a squeeze page where people can go to sign up for you 


You can do this in a variety of ways. You can buy a new 

domain specifically for the course or set up a page on an 

exisiting site of yours that you can send targeted traffic 


Either way works as long as you take the time and do the 

work to get people there.

Why not take a few minutes today to brainstorm ideas for 

an eCourse that would go well with the product(s) within 

your chosen affiliate program. 

Remember, your course can be as short or long as you'd 

like, but I recommend for this first one that you start 

with a 5 day course. 

Tomorrow, we'll cover...

"List Building"

To Your Success,

Kristi Sayles


P.S. Need an easy 1-2-3 way to get an ecourse and 

squeeze page of your own? The best way to promote your

affiliate programs...

Check out



DISCLAIMER: All information is intended for your 

general knowledge only and is not a substitute for a 

professional's advice. Use of these affiliate marketing 

tips to build your business is at your own risk. 

We do not suggest or guarantee any income will be made 

from your own business from what you read in this 

course. Whether or not you make any income will depend 

on your own experience, time put in on your business 

and the amount of effort you put forth to building your 

own business. 

We make no warranty, express or implied, regarding your 

individual results.

Kristi Sayles, 125 McKelvy Rd, Camden, TN 38320, United States

You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

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