B5Rss: The hubze Blog (in this message: 2 new items)

marți, 17 ianuarie 2012

The hubze Blog (in this message: 2 new items)

The hubze Blog (in this message: 2 new items)

Link to Hubze Social Media Blog

Twitter Marketing: Who Mans Your Business Twitter Account?

Posted: 17 Jan 2012 04:00 AM PST

Late last year, news broke out that the operations and maintenance of Sweden’s official Twitter feed has been given over to regular citizens.

That’s right, @Sweden is no longer controlled by the government.  Instead, regular Swedes are doing it.  The people who are maintaining it now, according to a report by the Next Web, are:

  • an editorial writer
  • a suburban writer
  • a priest
  • a coffee-drinking trucker lesbian
  • an advertising agency founder who also owns a farm, and
  • a teacher.

So expect it to be less boring, even if it is a bit confusing and schizophrenic.  With the different personalities and points of views, we think that the last thing you would find on @Sweden’s timeline is a link to government policies.

As you may have guessed, it is part of a government project called the “Curators of Sweden” that is spearheaded by the country’s tourism agency.

Who Should Man Your Twitter Account?

Which brings us to the question: Who should man your Twitter account?  Do you allow all employees to go online and tweet as a representative of the company?  This surely would spread the work around and would make sure that all inquiries and questions are answered.

Ideally, you yourself should be manning your Twitter account.  There is no other person who knows your business, products and services more than you do.  You would be the best person to talk about it and you would know best how to troubleshoot a certain problem should one be brought to your attention.  Customer service is also very straightforward.  If a customer complains, you would know how to appease him or her without bringing further damage to your business, plus you get to keep the customer from going to your competitors.

You would also be able to give out discounts and deals to your customers without having to gain approval from anybody.

In short, you could maintain your Twitter account in a way similar to maintaining your actual business.

However, the hubze squad knows too well that not every business owner would have the time or the energy to do this.  This is especially true as your business grows and other aspects of operations need to be taken cared of.

This is why it is also important to learn how to delegate your Twitter responsibilities to trained personnel.  These are employees that you could trust your business with.  For bigger companies, their Twitter accounts are handled by people in admin, HR, marketing and/or operations.  Dell, for instance, has different people from various departments manning different official Twitter accounts.

More than delegating, however, you would also need to train them on how to handle customer service and product inquiries.  Come up with a guide on how to conduct oneself on Twitter and formulate a plan on how they should act given any number of situations.

You should also give them specific leeways on how to behave and ask them to identify themselves when dealing with customers on Twitter. However, be clear on the scope with which they could act freely.  Beyond this, they should consult with you or a superior about what steps to take.

Remember that, ultimately, what your employee tweets reflects on your company.  A wrong tweet and it could be a huge public relations nightmare for you.

Marketing Monday: How to Take Advantage of Google Search Plus Your World

Posted: 16 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST

That trobulesome Google.

If you have been living under a rock, then it is time you know that Google has again updated its search.  This time, they have incorporated Google+ content into their search.  Lauren has a better explanation of the update here, but in a nutshell, the status updates, photos, videos and whatever you have put on Google+ would gain a more prominent place on your follower’s search results granted that they are logged into their Google account.

Some people whined about the changes, including Twitter, which called the launch of Search Plus Your World a bad day for the Internet, only to be rebuked by Google saying that it was its to opt out of search in the first place.

Business owners, however, can turn this development to their advantage.  For one, if their business names or products are nowhere near the first page of search results, Google+ have offered them a way into it.

Business owners, take advantage of this development by:

1. Creating a Google+ account (DUH!).  Right after the launch of Google+ last year, the hubze squad has speculated that Google would find a way to make these pages more relevant by putting these into search.  Google has always been trying to get into social search, and with the launch of +1 and the roll-out of the Panda update, we started advising our readers to create a Google+ account.  If you did not believe us then, maybe this development would convince you that we were right.

More than creating a Google+ account, however, you would need to make your Google+ page eligible for Direct Connect.  How do you do this? Nobody but Google could explain it better, and they did explain it here: http://support.google.com/plus/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=1711199

2. Creating interesting, educational, informative (read: viral) content and share them on your Google+ account.  You have been doing this on Facebook and Twitter: sharing the things that you think would interest and engage your followers and fans.  But with Google+ it is doubly important.  While your followers on Google+ would be able to see your status updates, photos, videos and any other content in their Personal Results, others who are not connected with you would not be able to see it.

Now if your followers share your content on their own Google+ pages, then you have effectively cast a wider net.

3. While you’re at it, making it easier to share your content.  Maybe it’s time to add a Share on Google+ button to your blog posts?  Or perhaps just a +1 icon?

4. Getting people to add you on Google+.  Put your Google+ page URL on everything: your store bags, your store window, on business cards, promotional flyers and marketing materials.  Put a link up on your website, Facebook page and Twitter account.  Invite your Facebook and Twitter customers to connect with you on Google+.  Run a contest or give a special discount to people who add you on Google+.  In short, do everything to get people into your Google+ page.

5. Do not neglect your search engine optimization efforts.  Remember that organic search results would stay, and that your customers would have to be logged into their Google accounts to see the personalized results from Google.  Even then, they have to open up the personal results tab to see the Google+ content.  So your SEO efforts are still important.  Make sure that you do not neglect your organic search ranking optimization just because you have found a short cut!

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