B5Rss: The hubze Blog (in this message: 5 new items)

joi, 19 ianuarie 2012

The hubze Blog (in this message: 5 new items)

The hubze Blog (in this message: 5 new items)

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Tech Thursday: More Mobile Apps As Recommended by the Hubze Squad

Posted: 19 Jan 2012 04:00 AM PST

The hubze squad has recently brought you the top 5 mobile apps that we thought you should try at least once.  Now here are the runners-up.

1. HopStop

If you commute to work or to just about anywhere, you might want to know whether to take the train or the bus.  Which mode of transportation is faster, cheaper and has less hassles?

Enter HopStop.  This mobile app allows you to enter your point of origin and your destination.  It will then give you very detailed directions on how to get there if you want to use public transport.

You also have the option to specify if you want to walk more (for health reasons) or less (to save time or when you’re feeling lazy).

Then there is the ever convenient cab ride.  Just switch to taxi mode and you can get information on the nearest taxi companies you can call, how long the ride would take and how much it would cost.

Download it for free: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/hopstop/id303217144?mt=8

2. Word Lens

Have you ever encountered an important looking sign written in Spanish?  Have you ever tried ordering from a menu in Spanish?

Fret not, you can download and install Word Lens.

You do not need to have an Internet connection to have your translations.  All you need is your phone and the app.

What makes this app cooler is that it uses augmented reality.  Instead of searching the Internet for translations, or having a boring blank page as a background, Word Lens transforms the sign into English and nothing else.  So it feels like you are looking at a sign that’s written in English, in real time.

French translations are also available on top of the initial Spanish language pack.

Take a look at this demo here:

Download it here free:

3. Scrabble

This game needs no introduction, because we think that everybody has played it at some point of their lives.

What’s nice about the mobile app is that it allows you to play with the computer or with your friends who are online on Facebook.  You can also play with a random opponent if you like.

You can also see how you do with other players with their leaderboards.

If you are still beginning to play Scrabble, the app also tells you the best word for each turn, and there are cheats as well.

Download it for 99 cents here: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/scrabble/id284815117?mt=8

4. Hipstamatic

If you love those older analog cameras, then you’d love Hipstamatic.  This mobile app allows you to mix and match different lens, flash and films to get a signature look for your photos.  It feels like you can load rolls of film into your iPhone and get quirky shots that you have to develop first before seeing.

It is, again, a great alternative to Instagram.

Download it here for $1.99: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/hipstamatic/id342115564?mt=8

5. Facebook

We know that we promised you a selection of the best mobile apps without the apps that have been figuring into other lists.  But how can we leave out Facebook’s official app out of this list?

Facebook’s mobile apps really gives you the best mobile experience.  It’s as if you’re doing your Facebook updates on a desktop computer rather than a mobile phone.

Thumbs up all around!

Download it here for free: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/facebook/id284882215?mt=8


Posted: 18 Jan 2012 04:57 PM PST

Please read the post Scott did today OVER HERE about what you can do and how SOPA really can effect you. This is serious and if you like the internet you will pay attention and take action. I was amazed today at how many websites set aside their differences and pulled together to show capital hill who really runs our country…WE do! It needs to stay that way too. This was a very powerful message we sent today.

The senate is set to vote on this bill by the 25th, so it is CRUCIAL that you get to www.AmericanCensorship.org and contact your congressman and tell them they better vote NO or you’re voting them out of office!!

Download audio file (s8.mp3)

What do you think about this bill? What do you think about Ron Paul and his stance against these direct violations to our liberty?

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

How YOU Can Get Involved in the Protest Against SOPA

Posted: 18 Jan 2012 09:24 AM PST

Unless you’re living under a rock today, or have been on vacation, you’ve likely noticed a ton of sites that are “Blacked Out” in protest of the possible SOPA bill or PIPA bill that could get passed soon in the United States.

I’ll be honest. I pay little to no attention to the news and nod off when people are talking about politics. So I hadn’t looked into what SOPA or PIPA was until today actually. (Don’t throw stones at me!) Too much of the news online and offline is full of rhetoric and opinion so I pay it no attention these days. Dealing with 3 screaming kids in our house is WAY more important!

But, this SOPA thing is a big deal. Or PIPA depending on what gets pushed more.

It would virtually close down nearly YouTube Channel, website, blog and Facebook page. Because if you post any content from someone else the government would have the power to shut your site down. So let’s say you have a personal blog and on it you post a video of your 1 year old dancing to the “Macarena”, if the record label found that they could shut your personal blog down without warning. Eventhough it’s an innocent video. Or what if you posted a status update that was a lyric from a song or quote from a movie? Could they shut down your Facebook or Twitter account? Who knows..

I’m all for making sure people don’t illegally pirate music and movies. As that does damage the entertainment industry and hurts everyone in the long run. But this is way too much.

So.. How can you get involved?

Well to see a huge lists of sites that are involved and to directly send an email to your Congressman go to http://americancensorship.org/ They also have some resources for your website that are simple to install.

Google has also setup a site where you can sign a petition online: https://www.google.com/landing/takeaction/

There is another online petition here: http://sopastrike.com/strike

You could share the video above or one of the ones below on your social media accounts:

You could also change your profile image on Facebook, Twitter , Google+ and other sites into one of the stop SOPA images below or share the Infographic below them:



No matter what you do, do something…

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Social World Wednesday: Two Canadian Social Media Events

Posted: 18 Jan 2012 04:00 AM PST

Social Media For Government 2012
March 19-22, 2012
Fairmont Chateau Laurier, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

If you work for a government agency, you might want to head over to Ottawa, Canada for the Social Media For Government 2012.

With this conference, you will learn how to

  • Develop a social media strategy for communication including podcasting, blogging, Twitter, mobile, Facebook, wikis and other platforms.
  • Communicate better using French and English on social media avenues.
  • Prepare for the changes and innovations in social media.
  • Create, market and integrate a mobile app.
  • Engage the public and your employees
  • Monitor and prove the return on investment of your social media efforts.
  • Build support from senior management and IT for your social media campaigns.
  • Create a platform for employees to communicate with other parties such as the public and the clients.
  • Measure the effectiveness of your strategies.
  • Use social media for programme management.
  • Manage the growth of social media use in your organization.
  • and a lot more!

The four-day conference will feature speakers from leading Canadian private companies and government units and offices including:

  • City of Brockville, Ontario
  • City of Regina, Saskatchewan
  • Intersol Group, Ltd.
  • Canadian Red Cross
  • Jive Software
  • Canadian Army
  • Federation of Canadian Municipalities
  • Kendall Wood
  • Action Strategies
  • Thornley Fallis Group
  • Purple Forge Inc.
  • Regional Municipality of Niagara, Ontario
  • SaskTel
  • City of Oshawa, Ontario
  • Canada Revenue Agency
  • Francis Loughheed Consulting
  • SaskTel
  • Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario

Get more information or register for the event at http://www.aliconferences.com/conf/social_media_govt_canada0312/index.htm.

Advanced Social Media Strategies 2012
Jan. 31 – Feb. 1, 2012
Toronto Marriott Bloor Yorkville Hotel, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

If you want to add to your knowledge of social media and the strategies associated with it, then it’s time you register for the Advanced Social Media Strategies 2012 conference happening at the end of the month.

The conference will have interactive sessions focusing on high level social media tips and tricks.  It will also have six different case studies from businesses that are outisde the retail industry.

Speakers for this year’s conference include:

  • Bruce Skeaff, Social Media Planner, Ontario Ministry of Labour
  • Jason Prini, Social Media Specialist, Digital Ottawa
  • Randall Craig, President and Social Media Leader, Pinetree Advisors Inc.
  • Sergeant Timothy Burrows, Corporate Communications Officer, Toronto Police Services
  • Sara Falconer, Social Media Specialist, WWF Canada
  • Mark Nicholson, Head of Online Experience, ING Direct Canada
  • Daniel Morier, Chief, Digital Engagement, Health Canada
  • Parisa Foster, Senior Consultant, Digital Marketing, w.illi.am/
  • Jeff Gahnz, Vice-President of, Marketing and Public, Relations, Nicolet National Bank
  • Boyd Neil, Senior Vice-President & National Practice Leader, Social Media and Digital Communications, Hill & Knowlton
  • Ian Capstick, Media Consultant & Owner, MediaStyle
  • Philippe Leclerc, Interactive Communications Manager, City of Regina
  • Robert Moyles, Corporate Communications, City of Edmonton

Sessions include topics touching on:

  • How the Ontario Ministry of Labour moved to engage with the public on Facebook.
  • Avoiding social media disasters.
  • Training your employees and managers on how to use social media.
  • Innovations and merging trends in social networking.
  • How to interact with citizens using social media in times of crises.
  • How to use transparency and adding a personal touch to help a limited budget.
  • How to align yours social media efforts with the organization’s goals.
  • The social media strategies being used by the City of Regina.
  • How to use social media as an internal communications tool.
  • How to gain buy ins via social media.
  • Issues concerning social media use in a public setting.

Learn more or register here: http://www.socialmediaci.com

Major Sites Announce Black-Out To Protest SOPA/PIPA

Posted: 18 Jan 2012 07:30 AM PST

Hey Hubzers,

The Anti-SOPA movement has turned to the dark-side. Starting Wednesday Jan.18 major sites such as Wikipedia and Reddit will take on a dark persona, donning all-black, in order to protest SOPA and PIPA.

Wikipedia and Reddit are just two websites that could be greatly affected by SOPA and PIPA, two controversial bills that would hold websites liable for user generated material.

The following bills grant the government power to take down websites that infringe copyright laws.

Under SOPA, sharing a video with copyrighted material would be copyright infringement,  take this viral video for example (29,000,000 view and countless shares to social networks),  ft. Sophia Grace and her rendition of Nicki Minaj’s hit “Super Bass”:

Click here to view the embedded video.

YouTube along with other sites that served as a sharing platform for this video (Google+, Facebook, Twitter) would be considered liable.

What I’m getting at here is Facebook could be blasted straight off the face of the Internet without recourse or remorse.

In the words of  Mashable writer, Zachary Sniderman, the bills would “compromise the ability of any site that includes outside links to carry on current operations.”

Not to mention the bill would cost $47 million tax dollars a year. Censorship is expensive, free speech speaks for itself.

Check-out this video:

Click here to view the embedded video.

Stay-tuned to the Internet, starting January 18th some of your favorite websites will slip on their little black dresses in protest.

If you would like to join the wake (WordPress, TwitPic, Free Press, MineCraft, Mozilla, and many more will be participating), here is the code. Just be sure to hold out until January 18th, or else you will be “that guy” who missed the memo and started dancing 30 minutes before the flash mob.

Feel free to sound-off in the comments below!

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